查看完整版本: SEXINSEX BBS permissions could relax

樱井利娅 2011-9-29 14:44

SEXINSEX BBS permissions could relax

Here are a few months now to reply post I think limit of time are a little too long. If can be short point good.. And most of the sector also can't read

sistomq 2011-9-29 16:31

I can understand what you mean. It's really too strict here. But i think its a buisiness for the website. We are not sponsors, i can also understand why they set such restriction. But you can keep posting and replying to reach higher levels, which is what i am doing. Many sectors you can go and post. regards, bro.

choibo21z 2011-10-25 01:42

well, I also understood that most of us are not a sponsors.

but still, hope to have more of English sections that could attract English users of this website

forumdiv3r 2014-3-14 23:47

Well, i think the forum is kind enough to let newly registered user to access the AV resource board. Just keep posting to get higher level and gain access to more boards. Good luck!
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