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blanker 2011-5-15 21:14

i'd like office lady. i think them are very sex.but it's impossible.

暧昧大于心死 2011-5-18 16:35

Well,that's not a good idea,unless you can handle all the troubles along with your passion^^

AVAV 2011-5-18 18:53

Be careful!It is too dangerous.

itianfeng 2011-5-18 21:38

In my office,many monitors on the rooftop,so I only think it,can't do it!

xhosox 2011-5-20 21:06

first post ..... Hello word.......

I am new member here and want to level up

adminssions 2011-5-21 09:23

Not very ecthical to do it in work place.

dumbfrog 2011-5-26 20:59

I think it is most ppl's dream to have sex with a beautiful boss.  Me2...heheheee:wad22

dmlike 2011-5-27 19:46

i have not my own office, there are only equipments around me.

luanqibazao1979 2011-5-29 14:04

I love office sex,especialy in my woman boss' small room and fuck her.

Payoneer 2011-5-30 14:32

nothing different.....

supersonics 2011-5-31 17:21

my boss is a jerk, he always do that !

daheishou 2011-6-8 16:45

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poloocean 2011-6-8 17:30

i want to have, but don't have enough brave, do you have some advice for me

yaoni2 2011-6-9 21:27

yeah it's reallly wonderful

sexgoon 2011-6-11 14:18

Oho, all of men are dreaming about it, but for most of us it's mission impossible

nyhyeah 2011-6-11 22:38

sorry, If have not one office room,how do you get it

whatda 2011-6-14 09:36

Its the excitement in being caught that make it fun.

1355067783 2011-6-14 15:58

i am sorry,i can't help you,sorry

26564409 2011-6-15 21:39

i wanna to try that,and my girlfriend also has the interest,but at first,i must take my girlfriend to our office ^_^

dc222 2011-6-21 13:20

Office sex ? i want.Man I had to get another job because of that
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