查看完整版本: [欧美/四级] 钢琴家莫扎特Amadeus Mozart.1995 中文字幕 [MP4/1.98GB/XN/BT]

bnghg544 2024-2-11 14:35

[欧美/四级] 钢琴家莫扎特Amadeus Mozart.1995 中文字幕 [MP4/1.98GB/XN/BT]


【影片名称】:钢琴家莫扎特Amadeus Mozart.1995 中文字幕

Music soothes the savage beast...and seduces the most beautiful women. You've undoubtedly heard of the famous classical composer Mozart, but you may not be fully aware as to why he was so damn good on the harpsichord. You see, more important than Mozart's love for music was his lust for the opposite sex, and making music was simply his way of getting beautiful babes to make love to him. But he wasn't without his rivals, other oversexed prodigies who also knew how to use their talents to seduce the most beautiful women in Europe, including the Queen!





新开辟 2024-2-11 14:42


fangjian-yu 2024-2-11 16:44


[[i] 本帖最后由 fangjian-yu 于 2024-2-22 19:46(GMT+8) 编辑 [/i]]

Tony2828991 2024-2-13 09:52

音乐的灵感往往来源于性爱 有时低落 有时高潮 莫扎特也不例外:titter
页: [1]
查看完整版本: [欧美/四级] 钢琴家莫扎特Amadeus Mozart.1995 中文字幕 [MP4/1.98GB/XN/BT]